Pelatihan Pengenalan Geostatistik Dasar Menggunakan Bahasa Pemograman R
basic geostatistic, R programming, online training, zoomAbstract
The workshop "Introduction to Basic Geostatistics Using R Programming Language" is intended for Indonesian geoscientists who want to learn on using the R Programming Language to do geostatistical analysis. This workshop is a form of Community Service Activity (PKM) carried out in collaboration with the Aceh Young Geoscientist (GMA) organization. The activity was presented online and attended by 136 students, alumni, and geoscientists from various universities, companies, and government agencies from all over Indonesia. The training was around 2 hours, and the recording of this training has also been published on YouTube and has been watched by 2400 people. It can be concluded that this activity has attracted a lot of interest from geoscientists to start utilizing R programming language in conducting geostatistical analysis. With the publication of the training recordings on YouTube, it is hoped that more geoscientists from various fields can benefit from this training so as to have a more significant impact on society.