Pendampingan Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa
financial management, village fund, Village of Kembahang IIAbstract
The ability and skills of the Ulak Kembahang II facility to manage village finances are still limited, as is the participation of the village community in village financial management. This research aims to improve the competence of the village equipment in managing the village’s finances by organizing dedication activities to the community (PKM) as an accompanying management and technical component in managing village finances. Activities involve socialization methods, education, focus group discussion (FGD), and technical guidance. The evaluation results showed that participants’ understanding of village financial management increased by 78.5% on 32 questions about village financial planning, village financial arrangement, village finance implementation, and reporting and accountability of village finance management. Thus, the activities of the PKM have successfully improved the competence of the village device in managing the village's finances, so it is expected to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of the village fund.