Pembuatan Desain Kemasan dan Iklan Produk “Lemang Kita” dalam Meningkatkan Daya Saing Produk UMKM Kota Tebing Tinggi
lemang, MSMEs, capital, production, packaging designAbstract
Tebing Tinggi City is one of the areas known as Lemang City or Lemang Producer. One of the businesses that survived in this city is the UMKM "Lemang Kita," where our initial exploration of the business actors obtained information about several obstacles still being faced. The obstacles in question include the lack of capital to provide attractive design packaging, the lack of product advertisements for social media, and products that are not durable. We focus on solving the problem regarding capital in making product packaging designs more attractive and the lack of online advertising for wider marketing. We took the initiative to provide quality product packaging design and assistance in making online advertisements for social media to have a wider market share.