Pembuatan Silase Ransum Komplit sebagai Pakan Berkualitas dalam Usaha Penggemukan Ternak Kambing Kacang di Desa Pasie Lamgarot Kecamatan Ingin Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar
goats, animal feed, silage, rationsAbstract
Pasie Lamgarot village is one of the villages in Ingin Jaya District, Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh Province. This village is inhabited by 1,480 members of 370 heads of families (KK). The occupations of the residents in village Pasie Lamgarot are farmers, livestock breeders, civil servants, and others. In this village, there are 90 breeders, namely 40 cattle breeders (average livestock per drum 2 - 3 head) and 50 goat breeders (average livestock per drum 3 - 4 head). The farming pattern in this village is a semi-intensive and intensive system. One type of goat that is bred is the peanut goat. One of the factors supporting the success of animal husbandry is feed, which often faces problems in its supply, especially during the dry season. For this reason, community service activities have been carried out regarding strategies for fulfilling feed through preserving it using the ensilase method in Pasie Lamgarot Village, Ingin Jaya District, Aceh Besar Regency. The results of this activity increase farmers' knowledge of animal feed management. The results of laboratory analysis show that the nutritional content of silage was Crude Protein (PK) 2.57%, Crude Fiber (SR) 5.23%, Dry Matter (DW) 22.33%, and Water Content 77.67%. It can be seen that there is continuity in this activity, as indicated by the farmers continuing to make complete ration silase.