Penerapan Precast Well Ring Bertingkat sebagai Alternatif Solusi untuk Meningkatkan Keamanan dan Kualitas Sumber Air Masyarakat
precast well ring, well leakage, water contamination, well installation, infrastructureAbstract
The availability of safe, clean water is a challenge in the villages of Meunasah Baet and Meunasah Manyang due to inadequate well infrastructure, which often suffers from leakage and contamination. This community service project implemented tiered precast well ring technology as an innovative solution to address these issues. The technology facilitates installation, enhances structural stability, and prevents contaminant infiltration into the well. Through the involvement of the local community, this technology has proven to improve water quality and reduce leakage risks, particularly during the rainy season. Additional benefits include faster installation, increased structural durability, and reduced long-term maintenance costs. Although the initial cost is higher, this technology's long-term benefits and sustainability make it worthwhile for broader adoption.