Sosialisasi dan Aplikasi Insektisida Daun Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas, Linn) Pada Hewan Ternak di Desa Limpok Kecamatan Darussalam Aceh Besar
The purpose of community service is to carry out socialization and use of Jatropha leaves as a natural insecticide for cattle and goats in Limpok village. The method of implementing the service is socialization and direct counseling to livestock groups. After the socialization and counseling activities on the use of jatropha leaf insecticide in cattle and goats, it has changed the behavior of the target audience in preventing and treating ectoparasites caused by ticks, and fleas. The target audience has been able to make and process Jatropha leaves into natural insecticides. From the implementation of the service, it has increased the knowledge and skills of farmers, formed a group of fostered cattle breeders in Limpok village, reduced the dependence of farmers on commercial insecticides, and switched to natural insecticides that are cheap and easy to obtain and increase the productivity of cattle and goats.