Jurnal Pengabdian Aceh https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian <p>Jurnal ini merupakan jurnal pengabdian yang bersifat terbuka kepada semua pengabdi dari semua disiplin ilmu. Semua artikel yang dipublikasikan di jurnal ini berasal dari kegiatan pengabdian dan belum dipublikasikan di tempat lain yang memiliki ISSN atau ISBN. Kegiatan pengabdian bisa berbentuk <em>soft program</em> dan bisa juga jenis kegiatan fisik.</p> ISEI Banda Aceh en-US Jurnal Pengabdian Aceh 2798-3986 Pelatihan Akuisisi Data dengan Wahana Drone: Analisis Data dan Perencanaan Lahan https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/289 <p><em>Data acquisition training activities with drones for data analysis and land planning as a means of development of softskill students or prospective graduates in the field of spatial interest, where it is expected with this training, students or potential graduates are able and understand to operate drones to carry out land analysis and planning. Therefore, when entering the real working condition, the graduates of the Department of Soil Sciences will be able to meet the qualifications given by the graduate users. (stakeholders). Activities of the training include (1) preparing the necessary tools and materials; (2) delivery of drone utilization material for land analysis and planning; (3) delivery of material Process acquisition of data resulting from drone data recording for analysis and land planning; (4) drone operating practices for land analysis and planning; and (5) application use practices in the process of data acquisition results from the drone recording data for land analytics and planning. The results of the training data acquisition with drones are the students followed the training with great enthusiasm and have acquired and improved knowledge about the operation and utilization of drones for land analysis and planning, the process of acquisition of data resulting from drone data recording for analysis and land planning, practices of drone operations and the practice of application use in the process. </em></p> Muhammad Rusdi Yulia Dewi Fazlina Sugianto Laila Wijaya Syakur Hairul Basri Darusman Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-11 2024-05-11 4 2 129 134 Pengurangan Angka Penderita Stunting di Aceh Besar Melalui Edukasi, Dukungan Kebijakan Pemerintah, dan Pemberian Probiotik https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/285 <p><em>Stunting is a global nutritional problem, especially in developing countries like Indonesia. Children suffering from stunting are generally characterized by impaired growth due to poor nutrition or recurrent infections. This condition has long-term effects, such as decreased physical and cognitive development, poor health, and an increased risk of degenerative diseases. Several provinces in Indonesia still have a stunting prevalence rate of over 30%, one of which is Aceh, with a rate of 31.2%. Therefore, stunting poses a significant health challenge in Aceh Province, including Aceh Besar District. This activity aims to raise awareness about stunting and its prevention through education and support from local government policies. It also aims to implement procedures for handling stunting cases by providing probiotic supplements in Sukamakmur District, Aceh Besar Regency. During this activity, probiotic supplements were given to children suffering from stunting for one month, which increased the child's appetite, body weight, and height. Thus, through education and support from government policies, along with the provision of probiotic supplements, this combination effectively reduces stunting rates. It is hoped that this initiative program can be sustainable.</em></p> Muhammad Hambal Henni Vanda Wahyu Eka Sari Muslim Akmal Djufri Djufri Nurliana Sulaiman Yusuf Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-11 2024-05-11 4 2 122 128 Pemanfaatan Sampah Organik dengan Pengolahan Menjadi Ekoenzim di Kecamatan Sukamakmur Aceh Besar https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/284 <p><em>This community service activity aims to provide knowledge, skills, and training for the housewives of Aneuk Batee Village, Sukamakmur Sub-district, Aceh Besar, on processing household waste into eco-enzymes. The implementation method used in empowering the target community is through intensive approaches involving the participation of housewives to understand the problems to be solved and directly engaging in the learning process, continuously working to solve the problems faced by transferring knowledge by processing organic waste into eco-enzymes. The training on eco-enzyme production attended by housewives went well, as evidenced by the participants’ enthusiasm in participating in discussions and question-and-answer sessions and in the direct practice of making eco-enzymes. The community service activity has a positive impact by providing skills to the community, especially housewives, in processing household waste in the surrounding environment.</em></p> Cut Meurah Rosnelly Mirna Rahmah Lubis Suparno Umi Fathanah Yanna Syamsuddin Sri Mulyati Zuhra Sri Aprilia Yunardi Wahyu Priyanto Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-11 2024-05-11 4 2 116 121 Digitalisasi Desa Wisata Berbasis Kompetensi Karang Taruna Desa Dokan https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/281 <p><em>This community service activity was carried out with the aim of improving the welfare of the community in Dokan Village, Merek District, Karo Regency, North Sumatra. With various kinds of potential that exist in Dokan Village both in terms of tourism and processed agricultural and livestock products, their development and management are still not optimal. This activity was carried out using several methods, namely providing supporting equipment in the form of laptops and cellphones, creating websites and social media accounts such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube, training on how to access and manage digital media, as well as providing training on marketing on digital platforms. The results of this activity encouraged the community, especially youth groups in Dokan Village, to be more literate in technology and be able to use it so that they could improve the economy of the community, especially farmers in Dokan Village, in introducing culture, tourism, and processed agricultural and livestock products in the village. Our expectation for youth members is to actively and sustainably promoting tourism and agricultural processed products from Dokan Village through website and social media.</em></p> Irsad Wahyu Ario Pratomo Walad Altsani HR Widya Sartika Hasibuan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-11 2024-05-11 4 2 111 115 Penyuluhan Strategi Pemasaran pada Usaha Kecil Menengah: Lingkungan Ibu-ibu Aisyiyah Cabang Banjarmasin 8 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/278 <p><em>Dunia usaha di Indonesia mengalami perkembangan yang cukup&nbsp;pesat, tidak sedikit dari antara kita yang kesulitan untuk memilih jenis usaha yang akan digeluti. Alasannya beragam, ada yang sulit memulai usaha karena kurangnya modal, </em><em>kurang&nbsp;pengalaman, tidak punya pengetahuan bisnis, tidak mengerti cara pemasaran bisnis, dan masih banyak lagi kendala lainnya. Tentu saja&nbsp;semua kendala dan tantangan ini tidak membuat kita berhenti berusaha dalam membangun bisnis sendiri, karena setiap usaha memang akan selalu punya tantangan tersendiri yang harus dilalui. Pada umumnya,usaha kecil menengah dalam memasarkan produknya cenderung bersifat pasif artinya produk dihasilkan dengan menunggu datangnya pembeli sehingga perkembangan usahanya tidak maksimal. Hal tersebut karena disebabkan kurangnya pengetahuan&nbsp; dari para industri kecil mengenai strategi-strategi yang akan digunakan untuk memasarkan produk yang dihasilkannya.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Pada umumnya,usaha kecil menengah dalam memasarkan produknya cenderung bersifat pasif artinya produk dihasilkan dengan menunggu datangnya pembeli sehingga perkembangan usahanya tidak maksimal. Hal tersebut karena disebabkan kurangnya pengetahuan&nbsp; dari para industri kecil mengenai strategi-strategi yang akan digunakan untuk memasarkan produk yang dihasilkannya. </em><em>Strategi pemasaran adalah suatu wujud rencana yang terurai dibidang pemasaran. Untuk memperoleh hasil yang optimal, strategi pemasaran ini mempunyai ruang lingkup yang luas di bidang pemasaran diantaranya adalah strategi dalam menghadapi persaingan, strategi harga, strategi produk, strategi pelayanan dan sebagainya.</em><em> Penyuluhan ini diharapkan paling tidak memberikan dampak bahwa dengan menggunakan strategi pemasaran dapat meningkatkan omzet penjualan.</em></p> Lydia Goenadhi Yanuar Bachtiar Ibrahim Daud Zainal Arifin Normalina Hanifah Anjelia Rahmah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-11 2024-05-11 4 2 106 110 Penguatan Kompetensi Perangkat Desa Melalui Pelatihan Desain Canva dalam Rangka Promosi Hasil Pembangunan Desa https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/277 <p><em>The survey results show that the people of Ulak Kembahang II village have a high interest in graphic design, so real efforts need to be made to equip the people of Ulak Kembahang II village with graphic design skills. Community service activities in the form of graphic design training and assistance are carried out using the Canva application to increase the creativity of the people of Ulak Kembahang II village. Implementing community service is through lectures and providing material directly by resource persons to partners. Based on the results of this activity, it is known that this training and mentoring is effective in improving participants' graphic design skills. This training and mentoring also increase the motivation of the Ulak Kembahang II village community to carry out the visual art of graphic design. These positive results align with several previous research activities, which show that training and mentoring positively impact graphic design knowledge and skills. Training and mentoring activities also increase activity participants' motivation to write through graphic design media.</em></p> M. Subardin M. Teguh Imelda Emylia Yuniarti Halia Butra Aini Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-11 2024-05-11 4 2 98 105 Strategi Cost Effective Pencegahan Stunting Melalui Penggunaan Eating Box https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/274 <p><em>Stunting is a significant health issue in Indonesia, with a high prevalence of short or stunted toddlers across all provinces. Efforts must be undertaken to prevent stunting, decrease its prevalence, and avert potential short and long-term complications. Optimal prevention strategies should commence during pregnancy and continue through the first two years of the child's life, known as the First 1000 Days of Life. Therefore, maternal knowledge regarding pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and appropriate child nutrition is crucial. The Indonesian government has implemented various outreach and educational initiatives to promote stunting prevention. One effective approach to enhancing stunted toddlers' nutrition is using meal boxes. These boxes contain carefully planned compositions of macronutrients and micronutrients, aligning with nutritional guidelines. They are accompanied by recipes and cooking instructions, enabling families to prepare nutritious meals at home. This literature review underscores that providing meal boxes to low-income and low-educated families in Indonesia is a targeted and cost-effective method to ensure adequate nutritional intake. Such a program can alleviate parental confusion regarding meal planning and promote varied and healthy food choices. However, the involvement of nutritionists is crucial to enhance the efficacy of this program further. Nutritionists can assist in diversifying food ingredients, maintaining consistent nutritional components in recipes, and ensuring that parents follow the cooking procedures accurately.</em></p> Husnah Jalaluddin Sakdiah Gamal Batara Muhammad Haris Ramadhan Syukriy Abdullah Riha Dedi Priantana Raja Masbar Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-11 2024-05-11 4 2 91 97 Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dusun Lambateung Kajhu Aceh Besar Dalam Pencegahan Stunting Melalui “Si BuDy PoSting” https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/273 <p><em>The stunting prevalence rate in Baitussalam District, Aceh Besar in 2020 was reported to have reached 26%. Based on the results of previous research, it is known that the factors causing stunting in Baitussalam District are related to low protein intake, low family income, and low knowledge in family groups vulnerable to stunting. Efforts to prevent stunting carried out by the PKK and Posyandu teams in Lambateung village are considered to be still partial, namely through the provision of vitamins and additional food. The solution offered by the implementer of this service is cultivating broiler chickens every week (Si BuDy PoSting) in Lambateung village. Through this system, the community, especially families vulnerable to stunting in the village, is empowered with cyclical chicken cultivation activities using a First in, First Out (FIFO) pattern. This cycle of rearing and slaughtering chickens is carried out continuously every week for 4 weeks, and the chickens are harvested. A total of one harvested chicken was slaughtered for family consumption as a solution to the availability of animal protein food sources. In contrast, 4 other chickens were sold, and the proceeds from the sale were used to buy five DOCs and feed for rearing. Implementation of activities starts with coordination, determining requirements, selecting groups of families vulnerable to stunting, giving stunting education, and implementing Si BuDy PoSting so that it is hoped that target families can provide animal protein food independently and sustainably. The service activities took place smoothly in Lambateung village and were attended by 20 partner communities. The series of activities included the socialization of the Si BuDy PoSting program, followed by a grant for handing chicken coops to the community. This activity can be sustainable by forming a Star-Up in Lambateung village.</em></p> Azhari Lian Varis Riandi Wahyu Eka Sari Hendra Koesmara Teuku Reza Ferasyi Rastina Riyan Ferdian Kamaliatur Rizki Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-11 2024-05-11 4 2 85 90 Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas Melatih Calon Guru Peserta PPG Prajabatan Produktif, Kreatif, Inovatif, Dan Afektif Sesuai Dengan Tuntutan Pembelajaran Abad Ke-21 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/272 <p><em>The activity-based discussion and question-and-answer method has become popular in Pre-Service Teacher Education (PPG Prajabatan) to enhance learning effectiveness. This approach involves participants in group discussions, questions, answers, and problem-solving activities to deepen understanding, promote critical thinking, and apply concepts in practical situations. It enriches participants' learning experiences and fosters collaboration, motivation, and social skill development. Participants can share their knowledge through presentations and demonstrations, enriching the group's understanding. This approach creates a dynamic, responsive, participant-centered learning environment, preparing prospective teachers with the necessary skills to succeed in education. It is a teaching strategy and a foundation for developing professionalism and future teacher competencies.</em></p> M Nasir Latifah Hanum Nurulwati Elisa Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-11 2024-05-11 4 2 78 84 Pendampingan Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/271 <p><em>The ability and skills of the Ulak Kembahang II facility to manage village finances are still limited, as is the participation of the village community in village financial management. This research aims to improve the competence of the village equipment in managing the village’s finances by organizing dedication activities to the community (PKM) as an accompanying management and technical component in managing village finances. Activities involve socialization methods, education, focus group discussion (FGD), and technical guidance. The evaluation results showed that participants’ understanding of village financial management increased by 78.5% on 32 questions about village financial planning, village financial arrangement, village finance implementation, and reporting and accountability of village finance management. Thus, the activities of the PKM have successfully improved the competence of the village device in managing the village's finances, so it is expected to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of the village fund.</em></p> Imelda Azwardi Didik Susetyo Emylia Yuniarti Mardalena Halia Butra Aini Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-11 2024-05-11 4 2 70 77