Jurnal Pengabdian Aceh https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian <p><strong>Jurnal Pengabdian Aceh</strong>, with registered number <strong>ISSN 2798-3986 (online)</strong> is a multidisciplinary journal published by Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI). The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community services.</p> <p>Jurnal Pengabdian Aceh contains various activities from diverse groups of people in handling and managing the various potentials, obstacles, challenges and problems that exists in the society. Implementation of service activities also involve the participation of the community and partners. Service activities are organized into an activity aimed at improving the welfare of society.</p> <p>Jurnal Pengabdian Aceh is scheduled for publication four times a year, in March, June, September, and December. Each volume contains ten articles, written in Bahasa Indonesia and English. Any interested author could submit the manuscript following the submission guidelines. Please read these guidelines carefully. </p> en-US kafazi90@gmail.com (Kamal Fachrurrozi) kafazi90@gmail.com (Kamal Fachrurrozi) Thu, 08 Aug 2024 15:02:27 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Pengelolaan Sampah di Pesantren Modern Al-Manar https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/302 <p><em>This community service aims to educate waste management at the Al-Manar Modern Islamic Boarding School, Aceh Besar Regency. Waste management and sorting are very important to reduce the increasing amount of waste that causes greater environmental problems. The students have a very strong will to participate in and carry out waste management and sorting activities. The results of the community service show that male and female students can manage and sort waste according to the type and classification of waste. This activity needs to be carried out continuously so that more and more young generations will participate in waste management and sorting in the future.</em></p> Nur Aidar, Aliasuddin, Mirza, Awaluddin, Darul Kamal, Rama Herawati, Novi Indriyani Sitepu, Raja Masbar, Irsan Maulana, Muhammad Chalis Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/302 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pembuatan Silase Ransum Komplit sebagai Pakan Berkualitas dalam Usaha Penggemukan Ternak Kambing Kacang di Desa Pasie Lamgarot Kecamatan Ingin Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/300 <p><em>Pasie Lamgarot village is one of the villages in Ingin Jaya District, Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh Province. This village is inhabited by 1,480 members of 370 heads of families (KK). The occupations of the residents in village Pasie Lamgarot are farmers, livestock breeders, civil servants, and others. In this village, there are 90 breeders, namely 40 cattle breeders (average livestock per drum 2 - 3 head) and 50 goat breeders (average livestock per drum 3 - 4 head). The farming pattern in this village is a semi-intensive and intensive system. One type of goat that is bred is the peanut goat. One of the factors supporting the success of animal husbandry is feed, which often faces problems in its supply, especially during the dry season. For this reason, community service activities have been carried out regarding strategies for fulfilling feed through preserving it using the ensilase method in Pasie Lamgarot Village, Ingin Jaya District, Aceh Besar Regency. The results of this activity increase farmers' knowledge of animal feed management. The results of laboratory analysis show that the nutritional content of silage was Crude Protein (PK) 2.57%, Crude Fiber (SR) 5.23%, Dry Matter (DW) 22.33%, and Water Content 77.67%. It can be seen that there is continuity in this activity, as indicated by the farmers continuing to make complete ration silase. </em></p> Firdus, Lenni Fitri, Asri Gani, M. Nur Salim, Fauziah Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/300 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Meningkatkan Kunjungan Wisatawan Melalui Maksimalisasi Potensi Pariwisata di Pantai Mangrove Serdang Bedagai https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/297 <p><em>Mangrove Coast play an important role in coastal ecosystems, including reducing the impact of flooding, resisting coastal abrasion, and providing habitat for various species of fish and birds. Therefore, preserving them is an obligation.&nbsp;However, protecting the environment is&nbsp;about protecting nature and&nbsp;ensuring that humans can enjoy its beauty.&nbsp;The problem faced by Kampung Nipah&nbsp;Mangrove Beach&nbsp;is the lack of tourist interest in visiting this tourist location, so&nbsp;the&nbsp;economic benefits&nbsp;obtained by&nbsp;the surrounding community have not&nbsp;been maximized. For this reason, efforts must&nbsp;be made&nbsp;to&nbsp;maximize&nbsp;tourism potential by beautifying the mangrove beach area&nbsp;to&nbsp;become an attractive and comfortable recreation area for residents and tourists. The service activity&nbsp;is carried out&nbsp;by providing supporting facilities not previously owned&nbsp;by this tourist location and will&nbsp;certainly&nbsp;increase tourism potential. So that local people can increase their income and tourists&nbsp;can learn&nbsp;about mangroves while enjoying nature around the beach.&nbsp;</em></p> Inggrita Gusti Sari, Wahyu Ario Pratomo, Wahyu Sugeng Imam Soeparno, Monika Andrasari Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/297 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Perancangan Mushalla di Kawasan Wisata Bukit Pantan Terong Kabupaten Aceh Tengah https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/296 <p><em>Pantan Terong Hill is located at the top of the Gayo Takengon plateau. This hill has a height of more than 1,800 meters above sea level. Located in Gampong Ulu Nuih, Bebesen District, Central Aceh Regency. This area has quite a large tourism potential for the future development of the Gampong area. The design of mushalla in this area aims to help the Gampong government and local community by providing facilities in the Pantan Terong tourism area. Design activities are carried out in several stages: data collection through discussions with the government and local communities, field surveys and observations of the surrounding area, and site analysis to see accessibility, climate, topography, etc. Then, study space requirements, develop a concept, explore the design in several stages, and prepare design documents. It is hoped that the design of mushalla will be built according to the design and can become a useful facility for residents and tourists visiting the area.</em></p> Yunita Arafah, Safwan, Muhammad Heru Arie Edytia Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/296 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Dukungan Percepatan Proses Pembuatan Lemang UMKM “Lemang Bundo Widya” https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/295 <p><em>Tebing Tinggi City is one of Indonesia's cities known as a Lemang producer. One of the MSMEs that survive in this city is Lemang Bundo Widya, where our preliminary assessment of the business owner obtained information that there are still several obstacles faced by them. The constraints include a lack of capital in equipping work equipment, the length of the production process, and packaging designs that are still too simple. One production process that is quite time-consuming is the coconut milk squeezing process. As coconut milk is the main ingredient in making Lemang, we took the initiative to provide a quality coconut milk squeezer machine to overcome problems related to capital and production duration and to support the acceleration of the Lemang-making process. In addition, we also provide a more attractive packaging design to differentiate it from other Lemang MSME products. In the packaging design, we also included the contact number and social media of the Lemang business so that consumers could communicate and transact faster.</em></p> Arif Rahman, Syarief Fauzie, Walad Altsani HR, Widya Sartika Hasibuan Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/295 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Panduan Strategi Komunikasi pada Masyarakat Pesisir: Kesiapan Menghadapi Bencana Tsunami https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/294 <p><em>Aceh Province, located in western Indonesia and directly exposed to the Indian Ocean, is highly vulnerable to tsunami disasters, with the catastrophic 2004 tsunami highlighting this susceptibility. Effective communication is essential for disaster preparedness, as the timely and accurate dissemination of information can greatly mitigate the impact of tsunamis on lives and property. This guide provides a structured approach for stakeholders to share information effectively, enhancing the community's preparedness and resilience. By implementing these strategies, the people of Aceh can better anticipate potential tsunamis, minimizing damage and loss of life and fostering a stronger, more resilient community. Regular evaluations will be conducted to ensure the effectiveness of these communication strategies, involving a collaborative effort among various stakeholders.</em></p> Heru Setiawan, Darmadi, Darliandri, Aula Khairunnisa, Husnus Sawab, Mukhlishien, Adisalamun, Muhammad Zaki Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/294 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pelatihan Pembuatan Kompos dan Media Tanam untuk Peningkatan Kompetensi dan Keterampilan Mahasiswa https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/293 <p><em>The training activities for making compost and planting media aim to increase student knowledge regarding the use of waste in compost and the use of the MA-11 bioactivator, guiding students on how to make compost from various agricultural waste raw materials available in various places where students are, increasing competence and skills and encouraging students to become entrepreneurs, and encouraging the use of agricultural waste to be turned into compost which can be used to increase soil capacity. This training activity is carried out using lectures and direct practice in the field, namely making compost from cow manure, rice straw, and leaf waste collected from the campus environment. Before carrying out the activity, students received an explanation about the materials for making compost, and they were also given a guide on how to make compost. The results of training include: students from the Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, USK have gained knowledge about making compost fertilizer and planting media and can see firsthand the results of compost fertilizer production, students from the Department of Soil Science, USK Faculty of Agriculture, were very enthusiastic about taking part in the training and hobby of making compost fertilizer and planting media, there is an increase in students' knowledge, competence and skills after participating in this training, and we hope that this activity can continue in the future with various new knowledge about other organic fertilizers.</em></p> Yadi Jufri, Hifnalisa, Raichan Izzati, Manfarizah, Sugianto Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/293 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pembuatan Desain Kemasan dan Iklan Produk “Lemang Kita” dalam Meningkatkan Daya Saing Produk UMKM Kota Tebing Tinggi https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/292 <p><em>Tebing Tinggi City is one of the areas known as Lemang City or Lemang Producer. One of the businesses that survived in this city is the UMKM "Lemang Kita," where our initial exploration of the business actors obtained information about several obstacles still being faced. The obstacles in question include the lack of capital to provide attractive design packaging, the lack of product advertisements for social media, and products that are not durable. We focus on solving the problem regarding capital in making product packaging designs more attractive and the lack of online advertising for wider marketing. We took the initiative to provide quality product packaging design and assistance in making online advertisements for social media to have a wider market share.</em></p> Syaad Affifuddin, Sirojuzilam, Sukardi, Dewi Ratna Sari Simatupang Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/292 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Peningkatan Nilai Ekonomi Sampah Organik https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/291 <p><em>The purpose of this community service is to increase the economic value of waste through outreach activities. The activities are carried out directly so that participants understand and can process waste so that its value increases significantly. After attending this training, the participants could process waste into goods with very high economic value. After attending this training, more and more people understand and can process waste into higher value.</em></p> Teuku Muhammad Firdaus, Nur Aidar, Aliasuddin, Taufiq C. Dawood, Rustam Effendi, Nashrillah, Cut Risya Varlitya, Chenny Seftarita, Sri Sukma Wahyuni, Anita Faiziah Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/291 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pemberdayaan Komunitas Pemuda Pantai Wisata Mangrove: Peningkatan Pendapatan Masyarakat Melalui Pembuatan Produk Souvenir https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/290 <p><em>Besides being famous for its Malay and Batak culture, North Sumatra is known for having an interesting marine tourism spot in the Perbaungan area. Besides offering natural beauty, Mangrove Tourism Beach provides typical souvenirs and products the local community makes. Typical souvenir products from Mangrove Beach include processed tilapia fish, which are made into crackers, and mangrove leaves, which are processed into chips and fish balls. However, these products cannot be provided every day, considering the limited raw materials and human resources that make them. The Mangrove Conservation Group took the initiative to create additional products they could produce daily without needing to look at the season. They plan to sell T-shirts or clothes that will include interesting pictures or writing about Mangrove Beach to be used as souvenirs for visitors. Community service activities are carried out by providing supporting facilities that this tourist location previously did not have in the form of a digital screen-printing machine, which can be used by youth groups to increase their income by selling clothes or screen-printed products to visitors to Mangrove Beach.</em></p> Sirojuzilam, Ramli, Irsad, Yola Anggia Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/290 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700