Jurnal Pengabdian Aceh https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian <p>Jurnal ini merupakan jurnal pengabdian yang bersifat terbuka kepada semua pengabdi dari semua disiplin ilmu. Semua artikel yang dipublikasikan di jurnal ini berasal dari kegiatan pengabdian dan belum dipublikasikan di tempat lain yang memiliki ISSN atau ISBN. Kegiatan pengabdian bisa berbentuk <em>soft program</em> dan bisa juga jenis kegiatan fisik.</p> en-US kafazi90@gmail.com (Kamal Fachrurrozi) kafazi90@gmail.com (Kamal Fachrurrozi) Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:58:31 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Penerapan Digital Marketing dan Branding Bisnis untuk Peningkatan Penghasilan UMKM Geuko Mart https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/263 <p><em>This community service activity aims to provide education about implementing digital marketing strategies to strengthen Geuko Mart MSME business branding. Geuko Mart is faced with urgent demands to increase its online presence and establish a deep brand image to compete effectively in an increasingly dynamic market. The main focus of this community service is implementing a digital marketing strategy, including optimizing social media and implementing measurable online campaigns. This activity has a positive impact on strengthening the understanding of the Geuko Mart brand, carrying out digital marketing for Geuko Mart via Google Maps, and creating new banners for Geuko Mart, thus increasing the effectiveness of implementing digital marketing and business branding, which then eventually will increase their income. The recommendation regarding this activity is that the training needs to be carried out on an ongoing basis.</em></p> Fitriyani, Adelia Rahmawati, Annisa Bunga Adilla, M. Arsyady Maulana, Sherly Agustin, Woyla Fahira, Yazid Zaini, Asri Diana, Nur Aidar, Chenny Seftarita Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/263 Mon, 12 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pelatihan Dekorasi Buket pada Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Bahrul Uulum https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/262 <p><em>This community service activity aims to transf</em><em>er information and knowledge to Islamic boarding school managers so that they have skills in the art of bouquet decoration to utilize their free time. The activity participants comprised teachers and managers of the Bahrul Uulum Islamic Boarding School Foundation in Purbalingga, Central Java. The training method is implemented by providing training and assistance with bouquet decoration techniques. It is hoped that the results of the activities will contribute to the Bahrul Uulum Islamic Boarding School in terms of improving skills and usefulness as an alternative source of additional income. Recommendations for further activities include training on managing cost calculations in making bouquets and marketing techniques for bouquets.</em></p> Dona Primasari, Ratu Ayu Sri Wulandari MA, Laeli Budiarti, Hijroh Rokhayati, Yusriyati Nur Farida Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/262 Mon, 12 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pembuatan dan Pemanfaatan Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) dari Air Cucian Beras Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Hortikultura di Dayah Al-Kamal, Keunaloi https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/261 <p><em>Dayah Al-Kamal is located in Keunaloi Village, Seuliumeum District, Aceh Besar Regency. Dayah Al-Kamal has 5 hectares of land area and 120 students. The main activities of Dayah students are studying and participating in extracurricular activities such as scouting and reciting the Koran. The recitation activities are carried out in the evening so that the students have free time in the afternoon. Therefore, using waste rice washing water into liquid organic fertilizer (POC) to grow horticultural plants can fill the students' free time. The aim of making POC and planting horticultural plants is to increase the students' insight into the use of organic fertilizer, which is good for the growth of horticultural plants, and reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers. Planting is carried out by sowing seeds in beds and polybags. Liquid organic fertilizer is made using the fermentation method for 1 week. The results obtained from this activity are the real influence of liquid organic fertilizer from rice-washing wastewater on the growth of horticultural plants. It is hoped that this activity can increase students' entrepreneurial spirit, especially in the agricultural sector.</em></p> Mohd Iqbal, Muhammad Parulian Sitepu, Zafira Utami, Nadila Ulfa, Ghina Rahmatika Asril, Risky Farhan, Raziatul Muna, Azzura Zaifa Salsabila, Siti Sarah Safira Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/261 Mon, 12 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Sosialisasi Sarana Lingkungan Tempat Umum, Transportasi, Industri dan Pemukiman di Kabupaten Bener Meriah dan Aceh Tengah https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/260 <p><em>Community service is an integral part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, which in its implementation cannot be separated from the other two dharmas and involves the entire academic community: lecturers, students, education staff, and alumni.</em> <em>Through community service, the academic community can be present in society.</em> <em>This community service provides wider opportunities to identify problems related to their field of knowledge and find solutions to problems that develop in the community.</em> <em>It can also build research programs based on public needs as a form of partnership between universities, government agencies, and the community.</em> <em>Vehicle KIR aims to prevent vehicle accidents caused by the condition of vehicles that are not roadworthy.</em> <em>Students who join this service can absorb Emission Testing and carbon Oxide knowledge and understand how to input Emission Test data.</em> <em>Socialization and assistance in cleaning the coffee factory environment are carried out with students, the whole community, and lecturers by fostering a feeling of togetherness and synergy between academics, government, and society.</em> <em>Socialization activities and structuring assistance support improving human and environmental resources.</em> <em>Overall, this community service activity can be said to be successful.</em> <em>The conclusion that can be drawn is that there is an increase in the target audience's (coffee factory workers) knowledge of the importance of using PPE when working.</em> <em>there is an increase in the positive attitude of the target audience towards the importance of using PPE when working and the realization of worker health and safety.</em></p> T. Khairol Razi, Fadli Syahputra, Kamal Fachrurrozi, Yulidar, Yusnita Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/260 Mon, 12 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Implementasi Manajemen By Objectives di Sub Bagian Anggota Bidang Pengusahaan pada BP Batam https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/259 <p><em>The aim of carrying out this activity is to provide information to BP Batam so that it can better convey employee performance. Implementing debt management to have the benefit of measuring and assessing employee capabilities. This information was collected using interview and observation methods. The results of the service explain that implementing management based on objectives can help BP Batam improve the performance of its employees. Suggestions for future services include implementing other types of performance assessments to help improve employee performance.</em></p> Wikandriya Pradinang, Alden Nelson Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/259 Mon, 12 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Panduan Strategi Komunikasi pada Petani di Masa Krisis https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/258 <p><em>Natural and human factors often cause crop failure in Indonesia. Weather factors, such as extreme rain and drought due to climate variability, can significantly impact crop yields. Apart from natural factors, socio-economic aspects also play a role in crop failure in Indonesia. Farmers' lack of access to modern technology, quality seedlings, and adequate fertilization can limit potential crop yields. In facing this crisis, farmers need an appropriate communication strategy to provide an appropriate response to the situation. This communication strategy guide was prepared to serve as a guide for various stakeholders in the agricultural sector in communicating with farmers in times of crisis. Some essential things in communicating during a crisis are building trust, expressing empathy, and maximizing participation from farmers. With this communication strategy guide, it is hoped that it can provide standard guidance to stakeholders to create consistent, clear, effective, and efficient communication to farmers in times of crisis.</em></p> Darliandri, Darmadi, Husnus Sawab, Adisalamun, Muhammad Zaki, Aula Chairunnisak Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/258 Mon, 12 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Strategi Pemasaran Pariwisata Dengan System Bundling di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah: Pelatihan Guide Bagi Industri Pariwisata https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/257 <p><em>Training for Tourism Industry Guides in Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency (HST) South Kalimantan Province aims to develop tourism resources and a creative economy. The method implemented is by giving lectures at the Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency Youth, Sports and Tourism Service (HST) in the form of material on Tourism, Tour Guides, Conversations, Greeting and Tour Leaders, Marketing Strategy with the Bundling System and Field Practice. The results show that participants' awareness level has increased in the importance of creativity in tourism marketing and innovation in managing integrated tourist destinations.</em></p> Ibrahim Daud, Zainal Ariifin, Normalina, Iqbal Firdausi Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/257 Mon, 12 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Penguatan Pengasuhan Positif Bagi Orang Tua di Tingkat Desa https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/256 <p><em>Positive parenting is an important foundation in the healthy development of children physically, emotionally, and socially. At the village level, social, cultural, and economic factors influence parents' parenting patterns for their children. This article explores efforts to strengthen positive parenting to improve the welfare of children and families in villages. Programs to strengthen positive parenting in villages can include counseling, workshops, and skills training for parents. Community approaches, such as discussion groups or online forums, facilitate parents' exchange of experiences and knowledge. Technology and social media have become a means to spread information and positive parenting practices. Strengthening positive parenting is about guiding parents and creating an environment that supports children's holistic development. Through collaborative efforts involving the entire community, these steps are expected to create a sustainable positive impact on the village's parenting patterns and family welfare.</em></p> Arinil Jannah, Salsabila Syawalna, Wilda Maqfirah, Dilla Ma’rifah, Vivi Ananta, Putri Salsabila, Aliasuddin, Rustam Effendi, Mirza Tabrani, Nashrillah Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/256 Mon, 12 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pelatihan Pengelolaan Keuangan Bagi UKM Kota Banjarmasin Binaan Dinas Koperasi dan Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/255 <p><em>This community service aims to provide insight for Banjarmasin Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) owners assisted by Cooperative and the South Kalimantan Provincial Government regarding financial management training used to support the development of their business activities. In this program, counseling and mentoring approaches are applied. The counseling is delivered in the form of technical guidance, where this activity contains a theoretical presentation of concepts related to accounting and the benefits of accounting for financial transactions. In addition, the accounting activity process in the form of a simple financial report is also explained. This program also applies a discussion method to small and medium business owners to discover their problems. After completing this program, the participants are expected to be able to manage the finances of their businesses well. Moreover, based on the evaluation that has been carried out, there is a need for further programs so that business owners can manage their finances well by carrying out financial records of their business activities and even preparing financial reports.</em></p> Antung Noor Asiah, Masithah Akbar, Iqbal Firdausi, Soelistiono Boedi, Siti Munawaroh, Risky Nastiti, Nurul Hayati, Sri Ernawati, Jumirin Asyikin Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/255 Mon, 12 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pengembangan Inovasi Pemasaran Terhadap Kedai TRGODA Pakcik Menggunakan E-commerce https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/254 <p><em>This dedication activity aims to increase sales and find the right solution to help the partners of an SME owner. This dedication uses educational methods and marketing strategy planning for partners. The data collection methods used are interviews and observations. This dedication lasted three months, from 12 August to 15 </em><em>November 2023. This dedication activity has an excellent impact on the partners of SME, namely Shop TRGODA Pakcik, by providing knowledge to the partners to still be able to adjust the marketing strategy to the developments of the times or digitalization as well as increase sales. Product information needs to be updated periodically so that consumers can be aware of changes in both price and product. It needs a better system for marketing, and product sales can be more clearly monitored.</em></p> Golan Hasan, Gita Aulia Copyright (c) 2024 https://jpaceh.org/index.php/pengabdian/article/view/254 Mon, 12 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700