Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Sabut Kelapa sebagai Wadah Tanaman Hias (Cocodama) Bernilai Ekonomi Tinggi di Gampong Neuheun, Aceh Besar
cocodama, kompos, sabut kelapa, tanaman hias, teknologi tepat gunaAbstract
This community service aims to provide knowledge and skills about making cocodama from coconut fiber waste as a container for ornamental plants. The target of the service is the women of the Cinta Kasih Housing Center, Gampong Neuheun, Mesjid Raya District, Aceh Besar. This service is very much needed to increase the creativity of housewives during the covid-19 pandemic and to increase the added value of coconut coir waste. Problems are solved through the lecture method and the practice of making cocodama. This activity has been able to improve the skills of the mothers of Cinta Kasih Housing, Gampong Neuheun in utilizing coconut coir waste into cocodama product.