Pengelolaan Keuangan Rumah Tangga Selama Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru di Kota Pelembang
Panic Buying, Behavior Change, Adaptation to New Habits, Financial ManagementAbstract
The Corona virus that has spread in all regions in Indonesia, including the city of Palembang, has caused the phenomenon of panic buying and behavioral changes. This activity specifically aims to socialize household financial management during the pandemic. The activity is devoted to MSMEs in the city of Palembang, namely the Songket Business, precisely at Songket Mayang which was attended by 20 workers. The results of this activity indicate that socialization regarding the application of financial management will increase workers' knowledge about the importance of calculating income, determining priority scales, preparing savings funds in the long term, and forms of savings. And this material can be applied to help workers manage expenses and income during pandemics and crises.