Pembuatan Penyaring Air Sederhana Menggunakan Bahan–Bahan Alami dipadukan dengan Saringan Industri Untuk Pedesaan
water filter, drinking water, household waterAbstract
This paper discusses a community service program for developing a water filter system to produce clean water for household needs. This equipment has been handed over to the people of Gampong (village) Neubok Yee PP, Tripa Makmur District, Nagan Raya District, Aceh Province. Even though sufficient water is available from household wells and the Krueng Tripa river, which is adjacent to the gampong, the people of gampong Neubok Yee PP are still experiencing problems because the water is cloudy, yellow in color, and mixed with soil. The water filter developed consists of natural materials and several industrial components that are readily available around the community. In addition, this water filter has a simple shape and a low price, so it is easy for people to reproduce it. The water produced meets the hygiene requirements for household needs such as washing clothes and kitchen equipment, and also meets the health requirements for drinking water (after boiling) and water for cooking food.