E-marketing Sirup Labu Kuning dan Sirup Jahe sebagai Inovasi Minuman Sehat untuk Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Tubuh Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Masyarakat Desa Lamklat Aceh Besar
syrup, ginger, yellow pumpkinAbstract
This community service aims to examine the technology for making Pumpkin and Ginger Syrup, which is rich in nutrients and antioxidants, to utilize local commodities to improve body health and marketing strategies via e-marketing, which has profitable business opportunities for the community. The method that will be used for this activity is the method of training and visiting systems. The training and assistance carried out included processing Pumpkin and Ginger Syrup products rich in nutrients and antioxidants, packaging design, and product marketing that can be sold online through several marketplaces, creating websites, and e-commerce. Several stages will be passed: training, preparation, coaching, implementation, promotion, and evaluation. The results of community service, namely the understanding and skills of the community after participating in this training, showed an increase. It is hoped that the Lamklat community will become the center for the production of pumpkin syrup and ginger syrup which can be marketed to various regions.Keywords: sirup labu, sirup jahe, covid-19.