Bimbingan Teknis Pengelolaan Modal Usaha Bagi Para Pengrajin Bakal Tanggui di Kelurahan Alalak Selatan Banjarmasin
technical guidance, business capital, working capital, BanjarmasinAbstract
This community service aimed to provide insight for the prospective tanggui craftsmen in Alalak Selatan Village, Banjarmasin regarding technical guidance on business capital management that supports the business activities. In this training, technical guidance is given by presenting materials related to definition of business capital, types of business capital, definition of working capital and elements of working capital. In addition, the participants practiced on how to manage working capital effectively and efficiently. This training also aimed to find out the problems faced by the craftsmen in Alalak Selatan Village, Banjarmasin in managing their businesses. After completing this training, the participants were expected to be able to manage their business capital, to calculate cash needs average per production, to calculate working capital requirements per production, and to calculate working capital turnover. Based on the evaluation carried out, it is found that there is a need for further training activities so that the tanggui craftsmen can manage their business capital so that it becomes a sustainable business.