Pembelajaran Berbasis Aktivitas Melatih Calon Guru Peserta PPG Prajabatan Produktif, Kreatif, Inovatif, Dan Afektif Sesuai Dengan Tuntutan Pembelajaran Abad Ke-21
based activity, PPG Prajabatan, the 21st century learningAbstract
The activity-based discussion and question-and-answer method has become popular in Pre-Service Teacher Education (PPG Prajabatan) to enhance learning effectiveness. This approach involves participants in group discussions, questions, answers, and problem-solving activities to deepen understanding, promote critical thinking, and apply concepts in practical situations. It enriches participants' learning experiences and fosters collaboration, motivation, and social skill development. Participants can share their knowledge through presentations and demonstrations, enriching the group's understanding. This approach creates a dynamic, responsive, participant-centered learning environment, preparing prospective teachers with the necessary skills to succeed in education. It is a teaching strategy and a foundation for developing professionalism and future teacher competencies.