Bimbingan Teknis Pencatatan Keuangan Praktis Bagi Pelaku Usaha di Kelurahan Kuin Utara Kecamatan Banjarmasin Utara
technical guidance, bookkeeping, enterprenueur, accountingAbstract
The community service activity aims to offer insights of bookkeeping for business owners in Kuin Utara, Banjarmasin Utara District to improve their business management. This program provided workshop about bookkeeping of daily cash book so that the business owners could understand the cash flow of their business. The participants of this community service activity were “kerupuk haruan” or snakehead fish crackers owners in Kuin Utara, Banjarmasin Utara District. After this wokshop, the participants were expected to be able to do bookkeeping of their business in accordance with accounting principles. The team of this community service activity provided the technical guidance of practical bookkeeping to participants with simple explanation. Based on the evaluation, it is found that further workshop is needed to improve business management of “kerupuk haruan” business owners, especially workshop in making financial statements.